During the culture presentation
During the culture presentation
our first time meeting we decided that the easiest way to do this is if we are
all fair with each other so we decided that we would meet in the library
the following day and make topics together and then divide evenly between
ourselves who takes what slide so that we are ensured to get the same amount of
work and we will all have a roll to play in it.
we finished writing out all of our topics we were officially ready to begin
working. The first line of action was filling in the topics through the google
docs form and then filling them out part for part. The next step we had was
design process. We needed to fin out who was doing what design so we thought
that the best thing to do was for everyone to just work on their own part that
was u were in control of the design on the parts you would be presenting,
adding in all sorts of things like images you would be using to demonstrate
something your going talk about in your part of the presentation or even
something simple like a troll head in the corner just floating.
began meeting more frequently so that we could be in charge of what exactly we
were doing and monitoring the amount of work that we do. Before you knew it we
had all the gaps filled and the project was looking look. Well the presentation
part anyway. We kept going so hard on the facts and the decoration of our
presentation we didn’t spend enough time brainstorming the main thing we were
going to produce. We tried talking between ourselves trying to figure out what
kind of task we could carry out but neither of us could see any way of
performing negative trolling to somebody without actually affecting some one ,
so we just thought we would go in extra on the presentation and that could take
care of it. But we didn’t know that we were missing the most important part of
the project.
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